The "Winners" Don't Write "History"

The "Winners" Don't Write "History"

Academia—which is to say capitalism, classism, white supremacy and cisheteropatriarchy—has made science dry and magick ridiculous in the eyes of the majority. 

Today, doing something as reasonable as wondering at the origin and nature of Existence is designated to a study for the privileged, a practice of the absentminded and “daydreamers,” or relegated as a subject upon which the authority has neither diverse methodology nor cosmological perspectives.

The short is that people take both meaning and life for granted and muddy the waters between them (for themselves and others) as a byproduct of this wanton disregard. 

If one takes life for granted, they take matter, space and the environment for granted. If one takes meaning for granted, they take feeling, time and experience for granted. So they must also take themselves for granted and others (of any sort) for granted. Existence is ALL that is. This is not an exclusive club, actually.

And it's important to recognize that just as capitalism has alienated people from their work and labor, social conditioning has alienated people from their connectivity to the Universe. How does anyone take all that they’ve ever been able to know from for granted? Or the unfathomable for granted? What compels someone to stop appreciating Existence simply because it presents itself differently? 

Social conditioning, after all, isn't inherently insidious or even negative. It's natural that socially engaging groups have an effect on their own environments and related environments. It’s also natural for societies to reflect on themselves and interact within, around and from their core agreements. But "to what end?" is a question to ask everybody as necessity, not only some as privilege. To what end do you wish to be socialized?

When people accept that others are the concept of "privileged," they imagine themselves unmarked by the same. When the actual privilege is that Existence has given unto each of us our own ability to decision-make. The only genuine privilege is our free will. Privilege’s etymology meaning “private law” and each of us being given only unto ourselves. The only genuine property we own, our perspective is the one thing each of us has been given complete designation over.

There is no liaison between your perspective and your being but yourself and the ideas, beliefs and feelings you harbor. Your awareness is here with you always, at all times, as far as you can ever tell. It just has different magnification settings depending upon what you choose to focus or fixate on in your world.

So, no. The winners don't write history. Nor are they objectively winners. There isn't a singular definition of winning and, if there was, these individuals would not be the posterchildren for it. No singular event in time will ever be the definition of winning if it fails to also accept the vast spectrum that winning entails. If it insists IT is the ONLY winner and that status qualifies for nobody else it doesn’t even believe itself. Supremacy Ideation, basically (this article coming).

The stories these "winners" tell may be spread further because of their hoarding of resources or abuses of others, but they're still just telling a story. And nobody has to believe it. Or them. Reliable narrators are trusted for a reason. If you are going to attempt to hold the center or to legislate neutrally, you had better be someone with a thorough and broad perspective that includes as much of what is actually going on as possible. 

Otherwise you'll miss things. The apt listener will come to notice. They will then get distracted, or bored, or agitated or annoyed. They will pass down these opinions, ideas, beliefs and feelings to their descendants and their environments. Eventually, people will stop trusting an unreliable narrator's view of the world—their story—and they will see the narrator in context, in a framework of narratives beyond what the narrator has chosen to acknowledge. They will know there is never one tree in a forest.

Linear time is an illusion. There is no past that can be held still. There is no particular future that can be absolutely relied upon. There is only now. It is the present. Our gateway to all lived experience. 

The Power of Knowing No

The Power of Knowing No

A Truth is a Mirror

A Truth is a Mirror