Word Nerd 13: God

Word Nerd 13: God

So I was inspired to do this WNW about God. For some reason, when the notion struck me, I thought it would all flow clearly and easily from the word's origin. That I would somehow bring greater clarity to the notion of God and what it really means to believe in that word or that concept. 

After a recording session where I basically felt I was rambling a series of things that were useful to know but that didn't necessarily go together, I began to doubt. A natural trial when dealing with our faith and our belief in God, no?

I was like, "lucky number 13/I did myself in with this one because now I look like a complete fukhing amateur." I judged myself hard and felt that my skills in describing the origins of words in interesting and funny ways was somehow gone. Or newly made inadequate. I doubted and fretted.

Then I watched the video. And, surprisingly, it was not the disappointment I thought it was. Yes, the video is longer, but the subject is larger. Yes, we have to cover 3 separate theories of the origin of the word, but they all make sense when it comes to the modern day usage, meaning and understanding of God. 

So for this questionable holiday across the United States of America, I humbly offer you this serving of knowledge. May it prove useful to your understanding of how a notion can become all powerful. 

Word Nerd 14: Slave

Word Nerd 14: Slave

Word Nerd X: Storm Sings the Blues

Word Nerd X: Storm Sings the Blues